Lately, people everywhere have been rocking the bright-colored hair look. Some people like using hair dye, and some people use it way too much. If you are one of the people that likes to change your hair color every other day, there is a new way for you to do it without frying your hair: hair chalk. This may not work on every hair type, and you may not like how it looks on you, but it is a fun way to make your hair any color you want temporarily without the consequences of regular hair dye. Many salons are now offering to put chalk in your hair for you, but that can get pricey, so if you're one of the people that likes to do your own hair, then this article is for you. Today I'm going to teach you how to temporarily color your hair with chalk. You will need Soft Pastel Chalk (they sell it at craft stores for $5-$10), a spray bottle filled with water, either a straightener, crimper, or curling iron (i would reccomend straighteners), rubber gloves, a dixie cup or any small paper cup filled with water, and an old towel or t-shirt that you don't mind getting color on.

This is the kind of chalk you want to look for.
First Step |
First Step: Spray about an inch section of the hair you want colored with water. You only have to soak the piece of hair you want colored, not the entire strand.
Second Step |
Second Step: Dip the first color chalk that you want in your hair into the paper cup. Color the chalk onto your hair. Be generous with how much you put on, the more you put on, the brighter it will be. And if you're doing multiple colors or shades, I would recommend that you start by coloring your hair with the lightest shade first so you don't end up with a muddied mess.
Third Step: This is the most important and time-consuming step. Wait for your hair to
completely air dry. Don't move around too much and don't mess with or blow dry your hair, because the colored strand has to dry completely on its own for it to work properly.
Fourth Step: When your colored hair is completely dry, go over it with the straightener (or curler/crimper). This will seal in the color so it stays in for longer. After this, you can style your hair however you normally would, but be a little careful because the color comes out easily.
How long the color stays in depends on how much you dye your hair, and what shade your hair is naturally. Someone that has dirty blonde hair might have their chalk in for a week without it fading, while someone that bleaches their hair quite often might only have theirs in for a day before it starts fading. My hair is naturally a dark brown/almost black, and when I chalked my bangs, the chalk stayed in for maybe a couple hours. Even though it might not last that long, hair chalk is a fun and super easy way to experiment with your hair without having to spend tons of money on regular hair dye and risk it not turning out right.
This is a picture of how my hair turned out when my mom was practicing hair chalk on me. I have naturally dark hair, so she ended up using more chalk just to make sure it would work, and it did. So my tip to people with dark hair: don't be afraid to put alot of chalk in your hair. You might think it's a waste, but it actually will show up in your hair better.
*Note: I had to do some looking-up on how to use hair chalk just to make sure I was explaining the steps right. I don't want to get in trouble for plagarizing or whatever, so I'm gonna go ahead and cite my souce. I got the first three pictures from and the last picture I took on my webcam.
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